Phonics Level 1
The correct starting point for learning English is being able to “read words” independently, in order to build upon that for conversation or writing later on

Phonics Level 1A
Practicing initial consonant blends, such as sh-u-t, where the vowel sound is still a short vowel + one consonant ending. In this book, your child will learn longer vocabulary words (4-6 letters). The short vowel sounds and consonant endings are still the same sounds from 1A and 2A.

Phonics Level 1B
Practicing initial consonant blends, such as sh-u-t, where the vowel sound is still a short vowel + one consonant ending. In this book, your child will learn longer vocabulary words (4-6 letters). The short vowel sounds and consonant endings are still the same sounds from 1A and 2A.

Phonics Level 1C
Practicing long vowel sounds, which means there will be at least 5 or more letters in the words. Learning these new vowel sounds, but since your child will already be familiar with pronouncing the beginning and ending consonant sounds, both single and blended, they will enjoy being able to read more cartoons with more engaging storylines.